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This free plant-based feeding guide will help you create fresh, nutritious, high-protein plant-based meals for your dog at home.

Formulated by a UK certified

Canine Nutritionist

Sustainable for dogs

at all

Life Stages

​A guide developed to assure the safety and diversity of your dog's homecooked plant-based diet.

  • ​Get your free guide featuring Claire Lucie's, certified canine nutritionist, proven strategy for ensuring your dog's plant-based meals are nutrient dense, complete, and delightful!


  • Stop worrying about proteins, nutrients deficiency, meal imbalance...


  • Start giving your dog the nutrition they deserve.​



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Here are the top 8 vegetables and fruits that can help your dog avoid diseases and live longer.

  • The healthiest fruits and vegetables to include in your dog's weekly food to help prevent disease and increase longevity. ​

  • For each vegetable and fruit, indicate the frequency, manner of preparation, and description.

  • An explanation of each ingredient's health benefits.

  • The guide is free!

  • A healthy, fresh plant-based diet is the single most effective way to lower disease risk and alleviate symptoms of an existing sickness.

  • Study found that feeding our dogs fresh fruits and vegetables as little as three times per week decreases their cancer risk by up to 88%!


Clinical Dog Examination

How can you discuss your dog's plant-based diet with your veterinarian?

Bringing up the conversation your dog's plant-based diet with your veterinarian is a highly anticipated and likely challenging subject.

A veterinarian may not necessarily be aware of the scientific data addressing the safety and health benefits of a professionally formulated plant-based diet for dogs and cats.


This concise guide will provide you with scientific evidence and confidence to support your dog's plant-based diet and reassure your veterinarian.

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