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​Canine Diet Evolution Throughout History

Early farmers influenced the evolution of dog genomes towards vegetarianism, according to scientific research on ancient canines.

This section contains lectures and scientific studies about the surprising evolution of feeding domesticated dogs over time, and the vegetarian, starch-based recurrence.

Shortcut from science studies shared below;

  • During the Middles Ages, commoner’s dogs would be fed meager diets of bread crusts, bare-bones, potatoes and cabbage.


  • In common households during the middle ages and through the mid-19th centuries however, little consideration was given to feeding dogs, as a dog’s diet was much like that of its owners, consisting of whatever owners could spare, such as knuckles of bone, cabbage, potatoes, onions and crusts of bread.


  • The dogs' diets differed considerably. While nine of them ate plenty of meat and 10 were omnivorous, the rest ate mostly plants       ( during Neolithic Ages )


  • Genomic analysis reveals that dogs and humans walked similar evolutionary paths regarding their diets. (Elizabeth Pennisi, 2023).


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