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Speaking events & workshops

Claire Lucie, a leading canine nutritionist and leading figure of the plant-based movment for cats and dogs, will be giving speaking engagements and workshops across Europe, America, and Australia starting in 2024 to promote a plant-based approach for our canine friends' health, longevity, and illness prevention.


Cooking classes for plant-based dog parents


The safety and benefits of a plant-based diet for dogs

Upcoming events

In-person cooking class

  • Do you desire to feel confident and empowered about preparing nutrient-dense plant-based meals at home for your dog?

  • Are you persuaded that feeding your dog a fresh, home-cooked plant-based meal is the best alternative, and you want to understand the fundamentals of doing so safely and effectively?

  • Are you ready to learn how to prepare any of your dog's home cooked meals nutrient-dense, optimally balanced, and high in protein without doing any harm?

  • Do you want to learn how to make cooking at home for your dog stress-free, time efficient and achievable, even with a busy schedule?

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Why should you attend a cooking class?

  • Claire Lucie, a certified canine nutritionist, will teach you how to make any of your dog's plant-based meals at home so that they are delicious, nutrient-complete, and balanced.

  • Claire Lucie will accompany you to the cooking class, where you will create three nutrient-dense, tasty meals to take home and provide to your dog.

  • You'll be learning the best simple strategies to make your dog's homemade diet time effective, organized and easy to handle even on the busiest schedule.

  • You will meet a group of like-minded parents of plant-based dogs, and we will share some delightful plant-based sweet treats and coffee or tea together.

  • You will learn about the incredible benefits of a fresh plant-based diet for your dog's physical and mental health, as well as how it can help them live longer lives

  • Claire Lucie will teach you a few simple additions to your dog's plat-based meals, eliminating the need for an extensive list of complex supplements available at high prices!

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Why attending a TVDC speaking event?

  • Learn all of the scientific evidences, made available to everyone, on the safety, health advantages, potential risks, common myths, and essential information about plant-based diets for dogs.

  • Discover the enormous influence of the foods we feed our dogs on the planet and the lives of billions of terrestrial and aquatic creatures each year.

  • An exceptional chance to meet and connect with other dog parents who are adopting a plant-based lifestyle for their dogs and cats.

  • Gain confidence and support in your decision to feed your dog a plant-based diet, as well as an understanding of why most information available is incorrect.

  • Understanding the major impact of diet on your dog's life and health, and how to use it to extend their lifespan and prevent diseases.

  • How can a fresh plant-based diet reverse diseases, extend your dog's life, and greatly improve their health ?

  • Learn how your dog can get all the nutrients and proteins they require from a plant-based diet.

  • Gaining an extensive understanding of your dog's nutritional needs, its relationship to the wolf, and why meat is not naturally necessary for your dog.

Dates and registration for cooking classes and public speaking events

Dates and venue are to be confirmed. Please register below to receive information and priority access when the booking opens.


USA & Canada: 

  • New York 

  • Los Angeles

  • Miami 

  • Montreal 

  • Toronto


  • Adelaide 

  • Melbourne

  • Sidney 

  • Perth 

  • Brisbane 


  • Paris

  • Milan

  • Roma

  • Madrid 

  • Barcelona 

  • Vienna 

  • Berlin

  • Frankfurt

  • Hamburg 

  • Munich 

  • Geneva

  • Bucharest

  • Budapest  

  • Birmingham 

  • Edinburg

  • Amsterdam 

  • Stockholm

  • Gothenburg

Please be aware that the cooking classes will be limited to 30 participants. Register below to get priority access.

VeGenova Vegan Festival

It has been an absolute pleasure and honour to speak in front of attendees at the VeGenova Vegan Festival in Genoa, Italy.

Initiating a change in how we feed our pets, and how the diet we choose for them affects their health, modulates their DNA, and mostly determines how long they will live and the diseases they may develop.
Thank you very much to Guilia and Alice for the kind and warm welcome.​

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